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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has done and is doing so much for...

From the August 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has done and is doing so much for me that I feel I must express my gratitude, not only to God, who has given us this wonderful gift, but also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her life of devotion and consecration, whereby we are enabled to make practical the many promises of God. When I came into Christian Science, some ten years ago, I had always been a delicate girl, and even then was never quite well. At the time I came for treatment I was suffering from nervous exhaustion and general debility. I was entirely relieved in two weeks' treatment, and it was not many months before all fear of disease had been destroyed. Unlike some who come into Christian Science, I knew at once that this was the pearl of great price, and I accepted it entirely. I never questioned it; I simply loved it. I was like a hungry child, and could not get enough of it. I read and studied for months, and while I met with opposition on all sides, which gave me many battles to fight. I never doubted.

During the time that I have known this truth I have had many demonstrations of Love's power to heal, and to supply our need. I believe that God and His work is perfect now, and my prayer is that I may wake up to know it consciously. God has made man perfect, supplies his every need, but we are so deep in materiality that we believe just the opposite. Only by growth in spirituality can we actually know God.—

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