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Testimonies of Healing

I am grateful every hour for the health, happiness, and...

From the October 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am grateful every hour for the health, happiness, and peace which have come to me through Christian Science. For twelve years I was subject to intense headaches, and during the summer months severe attacks from the heat, as I had a very serious sun-stroke from which I was not expected to recover. For a little over five years I had suffered from uterine trouble, this condition developing after the birth of our baby boy. Eight months later, having lost my father in the mean time, I had a nervous collapse, suffering constantly intense pain. I was under medical treatment for eight months, being confined to my bed four months during that time. I was temporarily relieved, and two months later was sent to Atlantic City. Three months after this I broke down again, and this time it was a complete collapse, and I was confined to my bed almost three years, with never one moment's relief except when under the influence of opiates. My case was pronounced by physicians as one of the most extreme on record.

During these five years we had sixteen physicians, including nerve specialists and surgeons. We also tried osteopathy, massage, electricity. I was sent to a sanitarium for five months, then to Aiken, S. C, for six months. After using everything known to us in materia medica, we turned to "suggestive therapeutics," and then to hypnotism.

We had exhausted all known means without any beneficial results, and my life seemed only a question of a very short time, when in despair my husband persuaded me to try Christian Science. How my heart goes out in thankfulness for this wondrous truth which has brought such happiness to our home and lifted us from utter darkness into light. We began treatment the middle of November. 1904, and I improved from the very first. In a short time I was up and around the house, and ate Christmas dinner downstairs with my family and a few guests. Two weeks afterward I walked out, on an extremely cold day. I was a well woman after twelve weeks' treatment. I am now perfectly well in every way. Words cannot express my gratitude to God, and to clear Mrs. Eddy, our Leader, who has demonstrated the power of omnipotent Truth. I am now a member of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist, but previous to my healing I had been a member of an orthodox church, having filled the position of soprano singer in same.

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