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Testimonies of Healing

Early in April, 1905, our little boy, aged two years, was...

From the April 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Early in April, 1905, our little boy, aged two years, was seized with high fever followed by violent spasms, from no apparent cause. A very serious nervous condition followed for four days, when a state of coma set in. The nearest Christian Science practitioner was asked to take the case, but the father, not being a Christian Scientist, insisted that materia medica, should be well represented. One physician was in steady attendance, and four who were called in consultation pronounced the disease meningitis. They agreed that there was absolutely no hope, and that the best they could do for us was to wish that the child would lie in that state until he passed on, that all might be spared any form of violent agony before death came. They said it was impossible for him to recover and that we should be anxious for the end to come quickly, for if such a rare thing as his living through the illness occurred, he would necessarily be both mentally and physically deformed.

Medical skill having failed so entirely, the father was then willing to have Christian Science. I telephoned my teacher for help. The physician continued in attendance, being deeply interested in seeing the effects of Christian Science upon the little patient. He eagerly watched the change, which he pronounced most marvelous, and frankly said no power but God's could bring it about. He watched with us as the demonstration was made that death is only a shadow and not a reality. Once, death apparently claimed the little one, but Christ, Truth, was strong to deliver, and error could not prevail.

The whole town seemed personally interested in the case, the parents being well known and the child loved by all The boy continued to improve, not so rapidly as we could desire, but with marvelous rapidity as the physician declared; and in what he pronounced an incredibly short time, our little one was out. Every one was anxious to see him, to ascertain if he was really as sound as we said, for by this time the town was agog over the fact that it was a case of Christian Science healing. Within six weeks our child was running about as happy and sound as ever, a thing which four physicians of large experience had declared to be absolutely impossible. The wonderful healing of our child, none who were present could dispute as being from the hand of God, manifested through Christian Science.

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