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Testimonies of Healing

I was taken sick about August, 1901, and was treated...

From the April 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I WAS taken sick about August, 1901, and was treated by a physician, who called my complaint enlargement of the liver with gastric complications. There was no improvement in my condition, but gradually I grew worse. Becoming discouraged, I changed physicians. The second one announced a complication of diseases, and there was no improvement under his treatment. In October, 1901, I went to Gilroy Hot Springs. I grew worse there and returned in a critical condition, gave up my practice and continued treatment,—medicine and washing out of the stomach, with a very limited diet. The doctor finally pronounced the ailment neurasthenia of the stomach. I got no better, and December 24, 1901, a consultation was held. They were at a loss to know what to do. I was vomiting blood and could retain nothing whatever in my stomach. My weight just before my sickness was one hundred and ninety-eight pounds. I now weighed only one hundred and forty-three pounds.

On the 26th of December, 1901, I was taken to a sanitarium in San Francisco, and was immediately put to bed. I remained there eight weeks, and my trouble was diagnosed as gastritis. Dieting, massage, and various other treatments were used. I left there in desperation, for there was no improvement in my condition. My weight now was only one hundred and thirty-eight pounds. Returning to San Jose the 1st of March, 1902, I went to the Santa Cruz Mountains, where I remained until October, 1902, dieting, using the stomach-pump, and taking morphine tablets when in severe pain.

At this time the doctor informed my wife I would never be able to eat an ordinary meal again, but would always have to diet, also that I never would be a strong man. I returned to San Jose, my stomach conditions being no better, though I was possibly a little stronger. In November, 1902, I went to another sanitarium, thoroughly discouraged. I remained there until February, 1903, my condition being no better. They pronounced my trouble prolapsus of the stomach, with enlarged liver and weak heart. I lost several pounds and got no better. I left there because my finances were nearly exhausted, and returned to San Jose, expecting to be an invalid until relieved by death in a few months' time.

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