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Testimonies of Healing

Previous to the entrance of Christian Science into my...

From the April 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Previous to the entrance of Christian Science into my life, about fifteen years ago, I may say that I scarcely knew what it meant to be well. I was of a very active disposition, but the least effort was invariably followed by headache, extreme nervousness, and frequently by complete exhaustion. Although obliged to leave college several times on account of ill health, I finally graduated, but was in a deplorable state, both mental and physical, in spite of the fact that I had been almost continually under the care of a physician. Soon after, I was married, and the change of scenes seemed to help me for a short time; then I relapsed into the old condition. About a year later I was stricken with typhoid fever and was again under the care of the best physicians in our city. A complication of diseases having developed, a consultation was held, and as a last resort I was operated upon. A severe cough set in and I was getting weaker day by day. It was decided that quick consumption had developed, and that I could live but a few days longer. My husband, however, was not willing to accept this verdict as final, and carried me a hundred and sixty miles, to be placed under the care of my mother's family physician. Although he had much confidence in his ability to help me, at the end of five weeks I was carried home in about the same condition in which I had gone away.

Our first thought upon reaching home was what physician to call, and not being willing to have any of those who had given up all hope of my recovery fully five weeks before, we decided to wait. The very next day one of our Leader's students, who was then visiting one of my neighbors, came in to see me. Not once during my illness had any one brought us such hope and encouragement. The improvement in my health from that time was perceptible, as the result of the truth we had then imbibed. Shortly after this I purchased a copy of the Christian Science text-book. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, but with no thought of its proving helpful to me. The Scientist had told me that if I studied this book carefully I would need no physician for our baby girl in case of illness. Imagine my surprise at not finding within its leaves recipes for simple household remedies! However. I did find the contents very interesting, and I read it carefully until I came to a statement which indicated that there were persons following its teachings and healing the sick. Although rapidly improving in health through the reading of Science and Health alone, I inquired about a practitioner, and found that even then the lady from whom I purchased the book was practising in our city. I immediately commenced treatment, and at the end of two weeks found myself completely well, not only of the various diseases, but from the effects of the operation, which had been most distressing. Since that time I have continued well and proved my ability to endure hard work, both mental and physical, without any ill effect whatever.

While appreciative of the earnest efforts of kind physicians, I can but contrast my experience under their care and under Christian Science treatment. I was six months under five different physicians, continually growing worse and no hope given me of recovery, with an expenditure of more than two thousand dollars; then two weeks' treatment under Christian Science, and health restored, the only expense being the price of the text-book, — three dollars, — and ten dollars for treatment. During the fifteen years since I was healed, we have found Christian Science adequate to meet every need in our family, and the baby for whose benefit the text-book was bought, has not during that time taken one drop of medicine nor had any need for medical attendance. She is to-day a strong, healthy, and happy girl.

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