I feel it my great privilege to give the following testimony as to the healing power of Christian Science which has come into my experience. Some thirty years ago my ankle was put out of joint by an accident. I went under various treatments for it for a very long time, but without success, and until the end of last year it had always been a source of great trouble and pain to me, and the ankle was very much swollen. At that time Christian Science was brought to my notice. I attended a meeting and was so impressed with the service that I asked for treatment, with the result that, by the blessing of God, within a few days my ankle was quite well, and I have not since felt any return of the old pain. At the time I asked for this treatment I was also suffering from eczema of many years' standing, and this too was healed. Some little time after this I felt depressed and out of sorts, and as my practitioner was not in the town, I thought I would not trouble him with correspondence, and having a little medicine left that a doctor had given me for these attacks, I took a dose; but the next day the eczema showed itself again on my leg from the knee to the ankle. I had some ointment left which the doctor had prescribed, and I thought as it was only a slight attack I might use it, but almost immediately after applying it, the eczema spread all over my body. I then was forced to apply to my practitioner, and he pointed out to me that it was not right for one who relies upon God to use any material remedies, and that I must put them away, which I immediately did. In a few days I was quite healed of my eczema, and my skin is now perfectly clear from this complaint.
Just before Easter I was taken with violent pain caused by a chill. The pain was so acute and I felt so ill that, as I am now already seventy-six years of age, fear took hold upon me and I thought my time on earth was nearly over. l sent for the practitioner, who came to see me and talked to me about the power of Truth, and gave me treatment. I felt so much better that I was able the next day, which was Sunday, to attend the meeting, and by the end of the following week I was quite strong and well again.
It is with great thankfulness that I record these three different cases of healing, besides expressing my gratitude for the greater knowledge of Truth which I have been permitted to gain.