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Testimonies of Healing

A little more than a year ago I appealed to Christian Science...

From the November 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A little more than a year ago I appealed to Christian Science for relief from a very serious physical and mental condition, so serious that six months before I had been compelled to give up my business—severing at that time all connections which it had taken me years to establish. During these six months I had devoted my whole attention and a large amount of money to trying to get well and had had the best medical attention from a celebrated specialist in New York City. Finally, from the excessive use of medicines as prescribed by my physicians, I became so saturated with drugs that I was having distressing attacks frequently, and my general condition was, to say the least, alarming.

During the course of my illness, which had extended over a period of two years, my attention had several times been directed to Christian Science and I had been requested and advised by friends to investigate it, but had not seen fit to do so; in fact I had altogether ridiculed the idea, but finally, when I had exhausted every available material means, and gotten into such a desperate condition of mind that I did not care what healed me nor how it was accomplished, I turned to Christian Science as a last hope. I was in such a receptive state of mind that in an hour's conversation with one who had a sufficient understanding of the subject I was able to grasp enough of the truth that makes us free to know that I could command the situation so far as the government of my physical body and mortal mind were concerned. I secured a copy of the Christian Science text-book, went home and threw away my four varieties of medicine, and commenced working out my own salvation by a study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, together with the Bible. Within thirty days I made my preliminary arrangements to resume business, and in sixty days more I had again taken my place in the business world. Within six months I was able to leave off glasses, which it had been necessary for me to wear considerably for sixteen years (the last four years constantly), by coming more fully into the realization of the fact that God's man needs no glasses to see through. This thought was given to me very early in my experience in Science by a person whom I met casually, and so impressed me at the time that I clung to it tenaciously until I overcame the seeming disorder. I have never had any need for the glasses from the day I left them off. Nearly six months ago my desire to use tobacco gradually left me, until now I have given it up altogether, although I had smoked continually for nearly sixteen years.

The past year has been the happiest and most successful of my life. I owe it all to my knowledge of God and man's rightful inheritance, as taught by Christian Science, and I am deeply grateful.

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