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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart full of love and gratitude to our dear...

From the November 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart full of love and gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and to Christian Science, that I offer this testimony, in the hope that it may lead some one who is suffering as I was from sickness and despair into health and a realization and understanding of the power of Life, Truth, and Love, as demonstrated in Christian Science. For about three years I was in ill health, the trouble being diagnosed in the beginning as a severe nervous condition, in fact a complete breakdown. In the three years I had five different physicians, all of whom were agreed as to my condition. I also had electric treatments and massage, and on the advice of one physician my husband brought me from our home in the mountains to the sea-level. For a time I was better, but soon the old symptoms reappeared and the stomach trouble became chronic. For about a year I was in pain almost constantly and frequently was obliged to resort to a mild opiate in order to get a night's rest. Finally the trouble developed into a distressing condition of the stomach and bowels and I was taken to a hospital for treatment. When I left there my physician said that with complete rest, strict diet, and no cares or worry I might be well in a year—or I might never be well! He said he had done all that he could. His instructions were strictly followed, but I still suffered from the severe pain.

As soon as I was able to travel I was taken to San Jose in the hope that the change would prove beneficial, and it was here that the blessed light of Christian Science dawned upon me. In the house where I stayed I found a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." At first I looked at it out of curiosity. The chapter "Fruitage" interested me, and as I read one testimony of healing after another, I thought that if all those people had been healed surely there might be hope for me. I was desperate. All material means had failed to help me, I could sit up only a few hours a day, and was in pain much of the time, and Christian Science seemed a last resort. I wrote to my husband to ask if he had any objection to my trying Christian Science. His reply came, "You may do as you like, but when you have those pains I should think you would need some medicine for them." That was all the encouragement I needed, for I had been reading Science and Health while waiting for his letter, and I was convinced that I could be healed simply by reading the book. I went to a practitioner and my healing was practically instantaneous. I left (as it seemed to me then) my burden of pain and hopelessness and despondency in his office. I went home, ate what the other members of the family had for their supper, went to bed and slept soundly all night—something I had not done for years. Next morning I awoke well and happy and while dressing I saw my glasses lying on the table. I had worn them constantly for five years, the oculist having told me I had a bad case of eye trouble and that I must always wear them. As I looked at them I knew that I did not need them any longer, I knew that I was healed, and although I had not asked for treatment for my eyes, I felt that I was "every whit whole" and that it would not be honest to wear those glasses any more. I have never had them on since that day and my eyesight is perfect. I read, sew, write, and embroider, and use my eyes a great deal for close work which I would formerly have found trying even with my glasses. I made one more visit to the practitioner. The healing had come so quickly I could hardly believe that I was well. It seemed too good to be true, and I wanted to make sure. A short talk with him convinced me that I had come into man's birthright as a child of God. That was almost a year ago, and during the months that have passed since then the study of the Bible, which has become a new book to me, and of Science and Health, has been a great joy.

I am grateful not only for the physical healing that came to me through Christian Science, but also for the spiritual healing; for the God of love who has been revealed, and for the understanding of the truth that makes us free,—

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