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Testimonies of Healing

November 24, 1906, was a happy day for me, as I...

From the November 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

November 24, 1906, was a happy day for me, as I was then released from an institution where I had been sent as a so-called incurable invalid, with softening of the brain. I remember my early fears and suffering, then all was blank; but thanks be to God, through Christian Science I have been perfectly restored, physically, morally, mentally, and best of all, spiritually. I have that wondrous book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and am trying to learn more of this healing truth. I wish to testify by my life and by my work my gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for these great benefits which I have received.

I would like to add the following testimony to that of my husband. His health began failing him about four years ago. We had the best medical aid, but without receiving any benefits; he gradually grew worse, the doctors diagnosing his case first as severe nervous trouble then as an affection of the brain. Finally, on Aug. 9, 1906, the darkest hour came, when I was obliged to send him to an institution. I visited him once, and sometimes twice a week, and saw him growing worse day by day. The doctors gave me no hope, in fact they said his mental and physical conditions were so bad that they did not think he would live a week.

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