I would like to tell of the healing of my little girl, now grown to young womanhood. She had a serious affection of the ankle-joint, which did not respond to medical treatment; in time, indeed, it extended toward the heel. She suffered intense agony, which affected her system to such an extent that she could not sleep, and became so weak that she had to be fed like an infant. The physician then told me that she must undergo an operation, and another was called in consultation, who agreed with him. I asked what the result would be, and was told that in all probability she would be a cripple for life. Immediately on their leaving the house I called upon a Christian Science practitioner and stated the case to her. She commenced treatment at once, and the child slept that night as sweetly as a newborn babe. She continued to improve daily, and the foot, which had not borne the slightest resemblance to one, regained its normal appearance. In two weeks the child was restored to perfect health, and was out at play.
I am indeed grateful for this healing, — grateful to God, the giver of all good, and to Mrs. Eddy for bringing this truth to the world in His name.
Beachmont, Mass.