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Mrs. Eddy, beyond healing sickness, builds "a system,"...

From the September 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. Eddy, beyond healing sickness, builds "a system," and revives in its fullest sense the religion of the Christ, devoid of theology. Through this system she spreads good throughout the world, and to believers I can see she brings great joy and happiness and peace. She inculcates work prayers instead of wind prayers, action for good instead of promises, practice instead of profession. . . . She takes the creedal God from off a shining throne and brings Him to your side, a loving, all-good, eternal companion. I may never become a Christian Scientist. I am suffering from one ill I wish to be rid of, but to me the least part of the Science is the healing. The greater part is that which leads people to believe in the eternal God of all good as being with them, of them, their immortal part forever. I don't mean to be funny, but heretofore I have read of God; Mrs. Eddy has introduced me to Him, and I am going to try to keep that sweet acquaintanceship so close that with His help I shall grow better in every way.

From a letter by

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