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Testimonies of Healing

UNDER God, I owe all I have and am to the teachings...

From the September 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

UNDER God, I owe all I have and am to the teachings of Christian Science,—my present life, since November, 1900; my spiritual understanding; my earthly possessions, my home, and family circle,—and it is due Mrs. Eddy that I make this declaration in the most public way possible. I will now endeavor to prove this declaration as briefly as I can, while expressing in some degree what the effort to follow our Leader's teachings has signified to me. In 1887, in Denver, Col., my sisters, my wife, and self accepted Christian Science as the truth. We had to do this because of what seemed the miraculous healing of a sister. From, the first the teaching of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" was so clear and logical that I had to accept it. I did so, however, only in a sort of intellectual way. My home was so happy, I enjoyed my books, my cigar, my Sunday outings so much, that I was not willing to take the time to study. The home demonstrations were left to my wife. I knew and did not. Our Master said, "And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes."

In 1900, trusting in my own strength and intelligence, I turned our savings of fifteen years into cash and removed my family to a Gulf State, where we were even cut off from telegraphic communication. Within nine weeks a dearly loved sister, after a few days' sickness, passed on. As quickly as I could make arrangements, I put my family on the train—my wife having also sickened. After two days' traveling in a Pullman drawing-room car, she left me, at night, in serene confidence, her head on my shoulder, on her lips "God is Life." At midnight I was put off the train with the body, my children going on with a sister. Of the twelve hours in St. Joseph I will only say that I thought I knew the orthodox hell,—the fire, the thirst, the weariness, and grief. Next day I reached Denver, where a sister's home was opened to me, and I lapsed into unconsciousness. A Christian Science practitioner was hurriedly sent for, and through her understanding of God's law and the mission of Christ Jesus as revealed to and through Mrs. Eddy, I was snatched from the grave. I therefore feel that I owe my life since November, 1900, to Mrs, Eddy.

Thus, at forty-one, I found myself recovering from a severe illness, without home, without position, nearly at the end of the money left after investing part in distant real estate, and seemingly handicapped with five children from four to thirteen years old. I then turned to Mrs. Eddy's teachings with all my heart; first, I admit, because it seemed the only chance I had of meeting my wife again, but very soon for the truth's sake. With the clear understanding I had already, I saw and acknowledged the justice of God's law. Our Leader says, "The Passover, spiritually discerned, is a wonderful passage over a tear-filled sea of repentance—which of all human experience is the most divine; and after this Passover cometh victory, faith, and good works" (Message of 1900, p. 23).

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