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From the January 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A kindly Christian man writes me that he would like to see a dispassionate and disinterested analysis of the underlying philosophy of Christian Science. It is, however, almost impossible for any one to write a dispassionate and wholly disinterested article on Christian Science in any of its phases, for the writer will probably be an earnest believer in and advocate of Christian Science on the one hand, or a disbeliever and opposed to its philosophy and teachings on the other. One may occupy the position of an honest and earnest seeker of the truth, who is not writing articles for or against Christian Science but reading what is written by others and seeking thereby to arrive at a just estimate of its claims.

I have given much of my time in the last five years to telling others why I became a Christian Scientist, with the hope that those seeking information from me might be benefited as I have been by the teachings and works of Christian Science. I may say here that my own personal experience has been enough of itself to convince me wholly of the truth of Christian Science. I was for a good many years a sufferer from physical ailments which baffled the best medical skill. I was in the hands of the physicians for years, and drugged and dieted under their direction, but this added to my misery rather than detracted from it. Drugs did me no good; dieting was unavailing.

In the last year before taking up Christian Science my sufferings were acute. I was in constant pain night and day during the year, and became emaciated and lost strength in proportion, so that I was almost incapacitated to carry on my business and felt that the end was near at hand. At the same time my wife was a semiinvalid. suffering from a complication of troubles, one of which was becoming more frequent and more violent as time passed by. We both took up Christian Science and put ourselves into the hands of a Christian Science practitioner at the same time. My wife was healed in three treatments, but my own healing was slow. I was brought up out of the condition into which I had fallen, day by day, and felt that I was completely healed in about four months. At the end of another year I had regained the health and strength which I had lost, and was in better health than I had been for twenty-five years. Neither of us has taken a drop of medicine or resorted to any material remedies of any kind for more than five years, and we have enjoyed better health and greater peace of mind and contentment than we have known for many years.

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