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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German.]

In the year 1890 I turned to a dear Christian Science...

From the January 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the year 1890 I turned to a dear Christian Science practitioner in Chicago, and asked earnestly for help for the bad condition of my heart. Our first meeting was brief but blessed, for I had found a treasure like the pearl of great price, of which the Bible tells us that the man sold all that he had and bought it. I soon learned that Christian Science demands absolute purity of thought. I loved it, and it became my guide to Principle, God. Then Life and Love were revealed to me as spiritual, and this was a blessing; but I had not yet sold all that I had. I held personal thoughts of error, and this serpent bruised my heel. Yet this bitter experience has forced me to rise higher, that I may bruise the serpent's head. I am doing so in obeying the words of our great Master, and of our dear God-inspired Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and in living the truth in word and deed. To-day I am thanking God for all the blessings which I have received through Christian Science.

I have had many proofs of the power of divine Love. The sick have been healed, the sorrowing comforted, and the sinful reformed. Christian Science, the Word of God, is fulfilling its promises, for it is demonstrable truth. This past year has been a most blessed one for me. Since I have laid my "earthly all upon the altar of divine Science" (Science and Health, p. 55), and have given up all for Christ, I have had beautiful glimpses of the reality of Life, and "I know that my redeemer liveth."

I wish to thank our wise, faithful, beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who in this age, through divine revelation, has shown us again the way to harmony, holiness, and immortality.—

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