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Testimonies of Healing

It is with gratitude and love that I give the following...

From the January 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with gratitude and love that I give the following testimony. As I look back over the past three years, and realize all that Christian Science has brought to me, I feel I cannot be grateful enough to God and to Mrs. Eddy, and that each thought as it enters my mental door ought to be one of love and thanksgiving. When Christian Science first found me I had been totally blind in my right eye for many years, and through an accident the sight of my left eye had become impaired. I was also suffering from a lung trouble which was supposed to be incurable. For many months my one wish had been to fall into a deep sleep from which I might never awaken. An acquaintance advised my trying Christian Science, and I accepted it as I had all other suggestions, with little hope of recovery.

Through the kind efforts of a Christian Science practitioner I not only overcame the lung trouble but regained the sight of both my eyes. The first two years I seemed to advance slowly in the understanding. The third year, circumstances brought me to New Rochelle, and I can never be grateful enough to some of the friends here in the Christian Science church for the love which they bestowed on me. With their kind help I gained rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science and in the knowledge that God is All-in-all; but it was not until a short time ago, when I seemed to be hemmed in on every side by financial, mental, and physical troubles, that I fully realized all that our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by our dear Leader, really meant to me. I awakened from a troubled sleep very early in the morning with a clear realization that only by studying the Bible and Science and Health could I find a solution of my problem, help from my seeming troubles. I read almost continually through the day, and I cannot express in words the spiritual uplifting and understanding which came to me. All fear, pain, and worry passed away, and I fully realized Mrs. Eddy's most comforting words, that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494).

I give grateful thanks for the light which has come to me in Christian Science.

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