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Testimonies of Healing

In 1905 I asked for treatment in Christian Science for...

From the March 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In 1905 I asked for treatment in Christian Science for stomach trouble, and also commenced the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Before this my health had for years been very poor. I had suffered from stomach trouble, very badly at times, since I was a young girl. My healing from this was slow, but with it other diseases also disappeared, and I gained in flesh very fast. I was also healed of a large lump on my left breast in February, 1906. I had been told by a physician in Logansport, lnd., that it would have to be removed by an operation. I refused to have that done, and it was treated in materia medica for some time. I suffered agony from the medicine as well as from the growth, but after a while the pain stopped though the growth remained, and I had no trouble from it for three years. In February, 1906, however, it commenced to grow again and became quite large and very hard. It also pained me extremely, and affected my left arm so I could hardly use it at all, besides affecting my breathing. I was greatly frightened, and asked for treatment in Christian Science. The treatment gave immediate relief from the pain; in less than a month the growth had disappeared, and there has been no return of the disease. In 1906 my son was healed of a serious throat trouble in one treatment, and of mumps in one treatment last spring. In both cases he had immediate relief.

We have had a number of other things for which to be grateful, and we thank God for sending us our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and for the truth she brought to us.

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