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[Written for the Journal.]


From the March 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Mind that governs all that moves
And thinks and feels—each heart that loves;
The grace that saves and points the way,
And to the deepest night brings day;
The might that each dear child upholds;
The Love that ever soft enfolds
Earth's tired ones, and lifts the brim
Of heaven that they may look within!
With joy Mind quickens faltering feet;
And Truth each day and hour makes sweet.
This knowledge will endure for aye;
His harmony aye holdeth sway
If we but let, and not oppose;
Truth's open door no hand can close;
The sure supply for all our need;
The Life that speaks through thought and deed;
The only consciousness that is,
That giveth, maketh, knoweth bliss—
Our God omnipotent!

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