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Testimonies of Healing

Prompted by a reeling of gratitude, I take pleasure in...

From the March 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Prompted by a reeling of gratitude, I take pleasure in making partial mention of the gain I have made, morally, mentally, and physically, through the knowledge of the truth as conveyed to us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Eight years ago, while a member of the Soldiers' Home, this county, I went into the Home library in quest of reading-matter, and in overhauling some unbound literature I brought to view several copies of The Christian Science Journal. I had never before heard of Christian Science, but I picked up one of the magazines, a little curious to see what kind of religious teaching I had discovered. I read a few lines, then dropped the Journal with a contemptuous expression; but I almost instantly took it up again, for on second thought I realized that if what I had been reading could be true (a case of healing by the Christ-power) I wanted to know more about it, so without moving I read for perhaps ten minutes. What I then read influenced me to take away two of the Journals, and after giving them a thorough perusal I procured two more, which received the same attention. A search for Science and Health disclosed several copies in the library. I had one charged to me by the librarian, and from that date I have never been without a copy. I have purchased several, and for most of the time have been a subscriber for the Sentinel, Journal, and Quarterly. After reading the "little book" for about two weeks, my knowledge of the truth enabled me to discontinue the use of morphine, to which I had been addicted for over six years; also all desire for alcoholic stimulants, to which I had been accustomed for twenty-seven years, left me. Profanity, which was one of my failings, left me about the same time. Since then, with the kindly assistance of a Christian Science practitioner of Santa Monica, Cal., I have been able to overcome the tobacco habit, to which I had been a slave for almost forty years. I also have enjoyed better physical health than ever before.

For all of this I return, first of all, thanks to God, and next to Mary Baker Eddy, the author of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." .

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