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From the March 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the history of the American Revolution two names stand over against each other as showing the clearly defined results of working for self or working for Principle, the names of Benedict Arnold and Philip Schuyler. There were similarities in the circumstances of these men. Both gave themselves heartily for the cause of liberty; both were courageous—some of the most daring deeds of the early part of the war were done by Arnold; both were treated with great injustice, for lesser men were passed over their heads by Congress, while they went unrewarded. It was their manner of meeting this adversity that proved the different caliber of the men. Schuyler retired to his home and waited quietly till his country needed him again. At her first call his sword was in his hand. He was fighting for a cause, not for personal advancement. Arnold sat down with his wounded feelings and nursed them, until his patriotism, his high spirit, his usefulness were hidden beneath the dark blot of treachery to a noble cause. Schuyler, in living for his highest sense of Principle, not only had a share in the accomplishment of his greatness, but he gained his own peace. Arnold, in living for self, not only did his utmost to obstruct the current of right, but secured his own present misery and buried whatever he had done of good under a load of infamy, for he betrayed his cause to the enemy.

Does not the question as to which of these two classes we belong come to us vitally? Principle to us means more than any human cause. Are we then living truly for Principle? If so, the mortal self is out of sight; and there can be no sensitiveness, no discouragement, no personal demand, no jealousy, and no selfish ambition. There will be instead a quiet waiting for the "still small voice" to call us to our duty, and an instant active response to it. Our sword need not get rusty as we wait. It may be that we are working for self under cover of advancing the Cause of Truth, or perchance we are shirking our work because we think it is not properly appreciated. Do we nurse hurt feelings because of a rebuke? Are we cherishing jealousy because another is doing what we think we could do better? Are we thinking that, among so many, the active loyalty of one individual does not count? Do we aim at a high position instead of perfect work? All those things make for inharmony and disintegration, while in the service of Principle all is harmony and unity. If we are giving any encouragement to wrong feelings, we have not yet learned the meaning of impersonal Truth and Love; and we may be taking the first steps on the dangerous path that leads toward treason.

But the true Christian Scientist has only to see the danger to avoid it. With honest heart he has enlisted to follow Principle, not self, and to such as he self-love has no place nor power, and it must vanish if we let in on it the clear light of Truth. When we learn to know the one universal Love, there is no desire to encourage mortal self, and we do not lack example in this direction. Our Master, through the bitterest struggle which human thought could ever know, taught us what it means to live for Principle. For many years our Leader has held aloft, with unfaltering hands, on the highest peaks, the banner of Truth, that she might guide our footsteps up to God; and what can hinder us, that we should not obtain the promises? Christian Science today is a great power. The world has ceased to speak of it as something on which to sharpen its wit, and is dealing with it as a force that must be taken account of. How it is regarded depends largely on the pure patriotism of the soldiers within its ranks!

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