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Testimonies of Healing

For some time I have felt called to send my testimony...

From the May 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For some time I have felt called to send my testimony to the Field, thinking to benefit some who are struggling in the dark, as was I. It is now seven years since I turned to this glorious truth for its healing power. For years I had been suffering with a stomach trouble which physicians had failed to cure, also a severe nervous trouble, so that I was a physical and almost a mental wreck, at times ignoring the existence of a God who would, as I then believed, cause me to suffer thus. Dependent upon my own resources for maintenance, among strangers many miles from home, even as a drowning man clutches at anything that appears to him, I in my desperation turned to Christian Science.

My healing was slow; at times it seemed impossible to read the "little book," but through the patient care of my practitioner God's work was realized. I was made a free woman, and instead of believing that God sent these afflictions upon me. I now know that God sends nothing but good and does not cause His children to suffer. Through following the teachings of our beloved Leader many blessings have come to me, and my desire is ever to be found worthy. God grant that these lines may guide some weary' pilgrim into the haven of rest.

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