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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to testify to the efficacy of the power of Truth...

From the May 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to testify to the efficacy of the power of Truth to overcome and destroy error. In January, 1907, my mother was taken ill with a severe bronchial trouble. A doctor was sent for, and in a few days she was able to resume her household duties, but she took a fresh cold and the trouble returned in an aggravated form. The doctor again prescribed for her, and did his best to restore her to health, but failed. When he gave up all hope, and we despaired of a cure by any other means, we sent for a Christian Science practitioner and proved indeed that "man's extremity is God's opportunity."

Two days after Christian Science treatment commenced, the medical attendant called again. He expressed much surprise at the great change for the better, and said, "I never expected your mother would recover, for there was not a medicine in my surgery that could touch her. I cannot understand this sudden improvement." In six days mother was up and dressed, and the next day she was downstairs with the family. The demonstration was complete. She said, "I never knew before what was meant by 'the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,' but I do now" We know that nothing but Christian Science healed her, for all material remedies were abandoned when this treatment commenced. Mother had been lame in one foot for many years, but the lameness also had disappeared. We are very grateful for the health and happiness which Christian Science has brought into our home.

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