Having been pronounced a victim of serious lung trouble, I was sent to the southern part of California in the hope that the climate there might be of some benefit. This was three and a half years ago. I gained considerably in weight during the five months of my isolation, and thinking I had been completely cured, I returned home; but in three days I found myself in a most serious condition. Medicine had been given up in despair, and climate was only a temporary relief.
At this time Christian Science was recommended, and as I had heard of the wonderful cures effected through its teachings, I decided to undergo a course of treatment, fully realizing this was the last resort by which to recover my health. I was cured in less than two months by the help of a practitioner; but since then the many little complaints which are apt to accompany this disease have returned for me to work out by my own understanding. All of these have been overcome through the knowledge of the healing power of God, taught and demonstrated through Christian Science, viz., that the scientific teachings of Christ Jesus during his ministry can and will heal today as then.
The first time I opened the book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, these words were before me: "It would be contrary to our highest ideas of God to suppose Him capable of first arranging law and causation so as to bring about certain evil results, and then punishing the helpless victims of His volition for doing what they could not avoid doing" (p. 230). This has proven a great help to me when erring mortal mind has tempted me to look to the material instead of the spiritual. I am grateful for the Christian Science literature, and words are inadequate to express my gratitude for all the help given me; to divine Love for having sent our beloved Mrs. Eddy, so that we all might through her realize heaven on earth. My present health is very good. Berkeley, Cal.