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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science nearly two...

From the July 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian . Science nearly two years ago, when my little son, then six years of age, was healed of severe spinal trouble. He had been treated for five weeks by two of the best physicians in our city, and cared for by the best nurse we could procure. They were all very kind, but the child continued to grow worse and became weaker each day. My fear at this time was great, as one year previous we had lost our little daughter with the same disease, and this child was all we had left. The second doctor ended his last visit by saying, "There is no use in my coming again, but keep on giving him his medicine if you want to." My condition at that moment was one of extreme despair. I then turned to God, and prayed most earnestly that He would show me a way to save my child, for I was willing to do anything. As if in answer to this prayer, my sister-in-law called me over the telephone and advised that we try Christian Science, telling me where I might find a practitioner.

I did not wait to send word, but wrapped the child in some loose garments and drove with him to a practitioner's office. This lady met us with a kind welcome, and her calm and helpful words soon removed all my fear. She gave the child a treatment, and told me to purchase at the Reading Room a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I gladly did. Upon our arrival home the child had no desire to go to bed, but instead, to my surprise, he began to play about the room. In one week's time he was perfectly well, and is now stronger than ever in his life before. He has been attending school all the past school year. The first doctor who had the case met us a few months ago, and he expressed great surprise at seeing the child well and strong, and suffering no ill effects whatever. He said, "I never had but one patient live through this disease, and he remained an invalid."

I have not words to express my gratitude to God, and to dear Mrs. Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science. Through her teachings I have found that God is our only help in time of trouble.

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