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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to make an acknowledgment of what Truth...

From the July 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to make an acknowledgment of what Truth has done for me, as I feel that I have not been grateful enough. Of late, especially, I have tried to be more thankful, and I am glad of an opportunity to express my gratitude. I was healed of a disease supposed to be incurable. Prior to my study of Christian Science I had been a long-time sufferer from rheumatic trouble, at one time having seven physicians without securing any relief from pain. After six or seven years of suffering, I experienced great difficulty in walking, and after this phase of the trouble had continued for about a year, the crisis came. The large toe on one foot developed what was later pronounced by several prominent physicians to be a malignant disease. I underwent severe treatment, but to no avail, and it was finally decided by the surgeon that the only sure way of a cure was to amputate the toe. I consented to this reluctantly, and today am minus one of my large toes.

About two years later this same disease manifested itself in the second toe, and it was then pronounced a gangrenous trouble by the same surgeon together with two others. I was told I would have to live constantly on a prescribed diet, as this was the only means to prevent a spread of the disease, as in more advanced cases it was sometimes, necessary to have the entire limb amputated. It was at this time that through some friends who were interested in Christian Science I was prevailed upon to try it. I had then been on a diet one week, preparatory to the second amputation. I attended a testimonial meeting the following Wednesday, and the next day made arrangements with a Christian Science practitioner for treatment and secured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Thus commenced my healing along the only true way. In three weeks I was well on the road to health, so that I was able to dismiss the practitioner and continue my healing with God alone, and in seven weeks I was completely healed.

I am very grateful that I have been led through Christian Science, to God, because in the old thought I had grave doubts of the truth of the Bible teachings. Now I know what the truth is, and that it is always with us, and that all we have to do is to know and live the truth. I am indeed grateful for the understanding of the Bible which I have gained through the study of the Christian Science text-book. This wonderful book brings out and makes clear to its students the true meaning of the Bible, and this spiritual understanding is the healing and saving power which destroys everything that is unlike God, good, and supplies our every need. My daily prayer is that I may grow in the understanding of this blessed truth as taught by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and so be worthy of the name Christian Scientist.

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