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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to thank God, and to express my gratitude to...

From the July 1909 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to thank God, and to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for my healing, by writing my testimony, as in that way I shall possibly be able to help some one else in need. The trouble from which I was healed was a malignant growth of five years' standing. The second year of this trouble I was on my way to visit my mother, who lived in Basin, Mont., and while waiting for my train at the depot. I picked tip a copy of The Christian Science Journal I glanced over it, and there I found a doctor s testimony which told of a wonderful cure, and how on account of that cure he had renounced material methods and acknowledged the allness of God. This testimony filled my thoughts; I could not get rid of it. I took the Journal on the train with me and read it through, but that one testimony appealed to me constantly. On reaching Basin, I found there a doctor from New York, who had been called West in the interests of some mining property, and I went to him for treatment. Doctors in Butte had told me that nothing but an operation would help me, but I had studied nursing for a time and did not approve of that mode of cure. The New York doctor gave me strenuous treatment, but the help was only temporary.

I returned to my home in Butte, and there I met a Christian Scientist. During a conversation one day I asked if Christian Science could cure such a disease as mine. He said it could, and wanted to know why I asked. I told him that I asked to see if there was any help for me. Some time after this I met another Christian Scientist, a woman, to whom I told my trouble, and she said that there was help in Christian Science for all. She gave me the address of a practitioner, and I went to see her. I asked this Scientist if she could cure one who had no faith, as I did not even believe in God, in fact I had no faith in anything good. The lady said to me, "If you planted a seed, and then tended it, do you think it would grow r1" I said, "Of course;" then she said, "You have a little faith, after all." So I started to take Christian Science treatment. My husband laughed at me, my friends called me crazy. I went on for three weeks before I could see any help, and how near I came at times to giving it all up! But the reward came. In the mean time my husband had said that if Christian Science could heal me he would believe in it. Well, it did heal me, and a few years later my baby nursed from the breast which had been in such a bad condition. Although it took nine months to effect a permanent cure, I can now say that I am wholly cured.

Since that time I have had a baby, who is now over a year and a half old, and is perfectly healthy and happy. At the time of the birth I was treated by a Christian Science practitioner. I have also been healed of fainting-fits. My husband has been healed of blood-poisoning in his foot, and though it had extended to the ankle before he decided to call in a practitioner, so "quick and powerful" was the word of God that my husband never lost a day from his work. The happiness which this wonderful knowledge of God has brought into our home is beyond price, and I am truly grateful to Mrs. Eddy for making possible this understanding of God.

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