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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science has been the only physician in our...

From the February 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has been the only physician in our family for over two years, and I send this testimony in the hope that I may he able to help some despairing mother. My daughter when nearly twelve years of age was healed in Christian Science of bladder weakness of the worst form. She had been afflicted from infancy, was operated on once, and I had tried everything recommended in materia medica for that ailment, with no relief. Her healing took place more than two years ago, and there has been no return of the trouble. She was also healed in a very short time of abscess in the head with severe earache, and of many other minor ailments.

Besides this, and my own healing, my son, ten years of age, had a bad accident some time ago, but thanks to Christian Science he came through it beautifully. He fell with a bottle of milk, breaking the bottle and cutting his first finger very badly. After four weeks treatment washe was healed perfectly, no stiffness of the joint remaining. Not long ago, he came home from school with earache, and in a half hour after calling for help in Christian Science, he was relieved. I can never be thankful enough to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, for what Christian Science has done for me and mine.—

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