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From the February 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the pearls found along life's pathway there is one of great price, and that is a healing consciousness. For centuries this pearl had been lost sight of, and when Christian Science found it, it was buried beneath an accumulation of worldly wisdom, pride, superstition, bigotry, religious intolerance, sensuality, "faith without works," unbelief, and a hundred other erroneous theories and opinions. One of earth's noble women penetrated the debris of material sense with the might of spiritual discernment, and in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy the world today is enjoying the unspeakable privilege of finding this once hidden gem of spiritualized and healing consciousness.

Though centuries have passed since the great Teacher of Galilee displayed this priceless pearl to countless thousands of earth's sufferers, it shines today in its virgin resplendency, having lost none of its healing luster. Far and near, upon sea and land, in nearly every nook and hamlet where thinking people congregate, it is the subject of conversation. Some doubt the discovery of so valuable a gem, while others listen to the glad tidings, and with moral courage and independence they seek entrance into the "holy of holies." They feel the sacredness and purity of Truth's presence, and go away rejoicing—they have found the treasure promised by the Master, and are healed.

Does this sound "too good to be true," or too ethereal for practical realization? Then one must become as a little child, and meekly and honestly investigate the claims of Christian Science; look deeply 'into its teachings, and not base conclusions upon hearsay testimony. It is a sacred subject, too sacred for mortal thought to grasp. It cannot be understood materially; therefore we should be willing to let Truth be the teacher, and not become impatient with the scientific phraseology regarding the unreality of matter and evil.

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