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Testimonies of Healing

In April, 1899, my wife informed me that she was...

From the February 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In April, 1899, my wife informed me that she was going to have treatment in Christian Science for a very serious lung trouble which materia medica had failed to help. This was the first that I had heard of Christian Science, and during the period of her treatment I took up the investigation of this Science to learn whether it was or was not the truth. After talking with friends and reading somewhat in Science and Health, also attending the services of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Chicago, I was fully satisfied that I was on the right road.

My wife was speedily restored to perfect health, and we both at once proceeded to take class instruction from one of Mrs. Eddy's students. We also associated ourselves as members with the branch church mentioned, and became members of The Mother Church as well. For this course of action, I hereby wish to acknowledge publicly the joy and gratitude which myself and wife feel for the guidance of divine Love in pointing out the way to us. It would be impossible to relate in this short testimony a hundredth part of the many blessings which have come into our home and our lives through the constant study and application of the truths revealed to us in Science and Health. The Bible has become to us, in the light of Christian Science, the dearest, greatest, and most wonderful book ever written. We love to study both books, because they unfold to us the great spiritual realities of being, and bring blessings to all who strive to follow Christ.

For ten years we have been humbly striving to practise the teachings of Christian Science, and we can honestly say that as we more and more assimilate these great truths and draw nearer and nearer to our divine Principle, Love, and, as Paul says, put off the old man and put on the new, we find not only health and happiness, but that spiritual peace and joy which comes to all the children of God. That we may continue to live, practise, and exemplify in our daily lives these blessed truths, thereby expressing in deeds the gratitude we feel toward God and our beloved Leader, is our sincere wish and desire.

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