I had always been very delicate, and about ten years ago my health failed entirely. For five or six years I was practically helpless, owing to a weakness of the spine and a general breaking down of the nervous system. I was compelled to give up reading and all mental work, as well as all physical exercise. My arms were almost useless, and the weakness gradually spread over my entire body, until I was confined to my room all the time and to my bed most of the time. I also suffered great pain, so that I could find no rest in any way. Besides this, I suffered much from stomach trouble, and could eat only the lightest of foods. All of this time I had the best medical treatment available, but gradually grew worse, until the physician who was treating me told my husband that it was useless for him to spend money for medicine, as it would do me no good and that I would probably never be well again.
I had been advised to try Christian Science, but I had understood it was a religion, and as I was very skeptical in regard to religion—in fact thought I was an infidel—I did not see how Christian Science could possibly benefit me in any way. After I was convinced that there was no relief for me from any other source, and after I had been told by those whose word I could not doubt, that Christian Science would cure disease, regardless of one's own views on the subject, I decided to give it a trial. When the practitioner came I told her all I wanted was to get well, and that I did not care to hear anything about the religion. I began to take treatment at once, and for about a week I could see no improvement; but one day, to my great surprise, I found that I was walking about the room without any difficulty. I was able to stay up all day, and felt better than I had for years, but I could hardly believe I was really going to get well. In a few days the practitioner brought me "Unity of Good" by Mrs. Eddy, and asked me to try to read a little. When I did so I found I could read without any pain, and then I knew that I was healed.
I continued to improve rapidly from then on, and in three weeks from the time I had my first treatment I walked fifteen blocks with no bad effects, was doing all kinds of housework, could read for any length of time, and could eat all kinds of food. My healing occurred four years ago, and I have had no return of my former troubles, and now we have a fine healthy boy two years old whose only medicine has been the truth. I am deeply grateful to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the blessings we have received in Christian Science.