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From the November 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Beginning with September, the post office department, as a measure of economy, is shipping all magazines to central distributing points by fast freight, instead of by the regular fast mail trains. Although this change necessitates sending the Journal, Herold, and Quarterly to press two weeks earlier than heretofore, the Publishing Society, in line with other publishing houses, is cheerfully cooperating to make the plan a success.

We are confident our subscribers will be patient with any temporary delay that may be occasioned by the inauguration of this change, and would ask that special care be taken by the reading-rooms and distribution committees to send in orders sufficiently in advance to allow for the longer time required for transit. Orders for the Quarterly should reach us from two to four weeks earlier than heretofore. Journal and Herold orders should reach us not later than the fifth of the preceding month.

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