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Testimonies of Healing

I am very grateful for the privilege of telling others of...

From the November 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am very grateful for the privilege of telling others of the benefits that have come to me through Christian Science. As a child I had a sense of discouragement and depression which I never seemed able to throw off for any length of time. This was attributed to lack of strength and health. About ten years ago my back gave out, the trouble being diagnosed as a serious affection of the spine. My physician advised complete rest, and at the end of a month suggested that I might be able to be about somewhat if I had a plaster jacket. This was made, and I tried being up, but did not improve. Another jacket was then made which was much lighter, and I was dressed each day, but spent most of the time in lying down, as. even sitting up caused more pain.

A change to the seashore at this time seemed best, and after two weeks there I returned home, only to be confined to my bed again, and there I remained for seven years. My physician always tried to encourage me by saying that if I remained quiet, the rest might in time heal the vertebra. A very difficult and dangerous operation was suggested, but my sister, knowing that I had but just lived through an operation on my neck for the removal of an abnormal growth, would not permit it. For myself, I cared not, for life to me was meaningless. I read the Bible and other religious books, hoping to find something to give me a different thought about life. My father was an Episcopal clergyman and I had been taught to turn to the Bible for help, but its promises seemed not to be for me.

About five years ago a friend let me take a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I read it, but felt that even if it could heal me, I would not let it, for it seemed to me I could not take up life again. I read the book, but I did not then understand it, although I was much impressed by some of its statements, which seemed to me very beautiful. Soon after this a family who were Christian Scientists came to live near us, and I realized as I came to know them that they had something to help them meet the problems of everyday life that I had not, and so I was more willing to read the Christian Science literature they kindly lent me. The healing never impressed me, as I was not seeking health, — I was simply trying to find something which would help me to understand life differently.

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