Mortals have to work for some hard taskmasters, but the worst of all employers is self. Self may be said to be in the moving picture business, and his pay, for those who work for him, is in pictures. Some of the pictures that he presents to his employees are discord, dismay, depression, discouragement, disease, doubt, despair, distress, destitution, disorder, disintegration, difficulties, disaster, destruction, derangement, degradation, deterioration, danger, decrepitude, dissolution, death. Self presents these pictures without any license and he is in the habit of giving a continuous performance—indeed he frequently wakes up his servants and employees at night to present disagreeable exhibitions to them. Self is an intimate friend of Satan, and might easily be mistaken for him.
It is good to know, however, that all these pictures which self presents are a delusion and a deception and can be turned away from forever and forgotten. They have to do with a false fleeting world,and not with the spiritual universe of God's creating, a glimpse of which does much to obliterate self and his pictures, and thus free one from the thraldom of this enemy.-