In 1900 I broke down with what the doctors called locomotor ataxia, complicated with severe nervous conditions, and soon I was unable to go anywhere alone. I took a great deal of medicine and every night had to take several kinds during the night. I also tried other methods, but although at times I seemed to show improvement, my condition became worse. In 1906 I was persuaded by my wife and sister to try Christian Science, and although I had no confidence in it whatever, I consented to see and talk to a practitioner.
Since that time I have had an almost steady improvement, and while the demonstration is not yet complete, I feel that as I earn a more thorough understanding I shall be completely healed. In this time I have discarded glasses which I had worn for twenty years, as I can see perfectly without them. I no longer use a cane, and a case of poisoning in my foot was overcome, as well as numerous minor ills. For all these benefits I am deeply grateful to God, also to our Leader for showing us this grand truth.
West Chester, Pa.