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Christian Scientists everywhere will welcome the...

From the December 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists everywhere will welcome the announcement, from the publisher of Mrs. Eddy's books, in the Sentinel of Nov. 1, to the effect that there is now in process of printing a book by Mrs. Eddy, entitled "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany;" in other words, a second volume of the contributions of our revered Leader to the periodicals which she founded, together with such contemporaneous explanatory and historical matter as was selected by her, also the articles specially contributed by her to various outside publications. The work of compiling this volume was begun while Mrs. Eddy was still residing in Concord, N. H., but the pressure of other matters delayed completion, and it is only recently that it has been possible to get the book ready for the press.

"The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" is uniform in style with the other books by Mrs. Eddy, and numbers 364 pages. The first part is given over to the history of the building of the extension to the original edifice of The Mother Church, and the second part contains the history of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Concord, N. H., our Leader's gift to her home city; also Mrs. Eddy's messages and letters to the branch churches, together with her many vital contributions to the literature of Christian Science which afforded such timely help and counsel when they were first given to the field through the Journal and Sentinel, and which will continue to heal and to bless throughout the ages. We are sure our readers will welcome the opportunity to obtain these treasures from our Leader's pen in a permanent form, as it makes possible the possession of articles hitherto unavailable because long since out of print.

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