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From the December 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AS early as the year 1888, authorized Christian Science literature was in circulation in New London and vicinity, but public Christian Science services were not held until August, 1896. That same year a copy of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was presented to the public library, and at a later date copies of current editions of all of Mrs. Eddy's works, together with The Christian Science Journal, were donated to the library and have since been kept on file.

From the year 1896 a small band of earnest workers continued to hold Christian Science services, moving for convenience from one place to another, until in June, 1898, First Church of Christ, Scientist, was organized with thirteen members. At that time the church, and the reading-room which was then opened, were located at 7 Masonic street. In February, 1899, the first authorized lecture on Christian Science was given, and beginning with the year 1903 a lecture has been given annually in the Lyceum theater.

In October, 1899, Second Church of Christ, Scientist, was organized. Having for its motive the desire to preserve the spiritual idea of Christian Science as presented to the world in its text-book, it naturally followed that, when the time came for demonstration of unity in Principle, Second Church was desirous of fulfilling this object. Consequently, in March, 1902, Second Church proposed uniting with First Church, and this proposition meeting with approval, Second Church dissolved its organization, the united members holding their first service on Sunday, April 20, 1902, in the chapel which Second Church had occupied and which had been recently redecorated and furnished, the lease of which was transferred to the executive board of First Church. This property changing hands in October, 1904, the church was obliged to move to the Mohican building.

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