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Testimonies of Healing

It was in August, 1908, that I first...

From the December 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was in August, 1908, that I first noticed my cousin was not in her usual state of health. Later in the same year, doctors were consulted and her case was pronounced to be a very serious one of exophthalmic goiter. A change of climate was advised, and she was sent to Switzerland in 1909, where specialists ordered her to go to a sanitarium in the mountains. In August of that year I again saw her and found her condition to be very much worse. There was then talk of an operation, and she remained in Switzerland all that winter. In June, 1910, having made inquiries about Christian Science from a member of the Edinburgh Church of Christ, Scientist, by her advice I took a copy of Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," with me to Switzerland and read it to the patient.

After about a month's reading a practitioner took up the case, and I heard that the abnormal action of the heart had quite ceased and that the doctor had been told he might discontinue his visits. As previous to this nine doctors had been at various times consulted with regard to the case, and none had succeeded in effecting a cure, I can only believe that it was the power of Truth as revealed in the Bible and Science and Health which did the healing work. —

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