It is with great pleasure that I give my testimony, hoping it may be of benefit to some one. About four years ago I experienced a great sorrow, which left me in a deplorable condition, with nervous exhaustion and heart trouble. I also had a bad form of stomach trouble, for which I had tried innumerable remedies with no results. When "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy was given to me, I began to read it, but could not grasp its meaning. I seemed to be in a tangled wilderness without one ray of light, but as I continued to read the book the light of Truth dawned on my consciousness and helped me to grasp the spiritual meaning of the Bible, which before had been a mystery to me. I took up the daily study of Science and Health and the Bible, and with the help of a kind practitioner I was completely healed.
While I am more than grateful for the physical healing, it is nothing compared with the joy of daily acquiring a better knowledge of God and the understanding of how to apply it to our every need. This knowledge is teaching me to think less of self and to manifest a more universal love, which adds to one's happiness. I am indeed glad to realize, as did our dear Leader, what a great benefit Christian Science literature is to humanity, as well as what Jesus meant when he said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
I am thankful to God for all these blessings, also grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her untiring efforts for the good of mankind, but I know the best way to show gratitude is in deeds, not words, and I am striving daily to reflect good.—Kansas City, Mo.