To one who counts among his treasures a beginner's knowledge of Christian Science, the word gratitude looms large upon his horizon. Quite commonly we had been content to associate the word with some particular event, not entertaining it as a blessed inhabitant of our consciousness; but how differently and deeply the perpetual sense of gratitude is cherished by those who have felt the healing touch of Truth!
A few years ago my sense of gratitude was incomplete, hampered by fear, weighed down by discord, moral, physical, and mental. I was ignorant of the grand awakening of those who listen for the "still small voice." Physical disabilities, one of a chronic type, were quickly overcome in Christian Science through the understanding of a practitioner, and the greater blessing, a fuller spiritual knowledge, was felt and enjoyed. Profanity, a habit of years, indulgence in which had grown beyond check, was completely annihilated in one reading of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Indulgence in the use of tobacco, another habit of years, was completely overcome, and a taste for liquor, perhaps not then admittedly dangerous, nevertheless disgraceful, was conquered by the same agency, —experiences fraught with blessings, every one; but far beyond this, the knowledge that each waking hour brings a fuller, riper experience to those who obey the command, "Be still, and know that I am God," calls forth the deepest gratitude.—New Haven, Conn.