I wish to express my gratitude for blessings received through Christian Science. I have been lifted from the depths of torment, for I was afflicted with a severe nervous trouble before I became interested in this truth. I am also grateful for help received for my two children, as they have been healed of bowel and stomach trouble, whooping-cough, and measles.
A few months ago my little girl was taken with a very heavy cold and distress through the body. I called for help about noon, and the conditions continued to be the same until about eleven o'clock that night, when she was apparently very much worse. She could scarcely breathe at all and seemed in great pain. I called the practitioner at once, who treated the child again, and within twenty minutes she was greatly relieved, and in the morning was perfectly well and happy. To me this was a wonderful healing, and I am deeply grateful for it. I am thankful to God for the blessings we receive each day, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for discovering Christian Science and giving us Science and Health, which is truly a "Key to the Scriptures." I am also grateful for all the Christian Science literature.—Kansas City, Mo.