When Christian Science first came to me in 1899, I was in great need. I lost no time in investigating it, and found it was the religion for which I had been looking all my life. I am indeed thankful that when it knocked I was ready to open the door.
For over four years I had been suffering from rheumatism and a general breakdown in health, so that I was unable to attend to the cares of the home, although it was necessary to be about, since I had three small children. I went to see a practitioner, who told me to get the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy and read it, for it would help me the same as if a practitioner treated me. I did so, and I also discarded the flannels and bandages which I had been wearing for rheumatism. I gathered strength every day, and in a short time was able to do my own housework.
I am most grateful for having my children brought up in the Christian Science Sunday school. I think this is one of the greatest blessings a mother can have. She learns to trust her children to the loving Father's care, and this relieves her of great anxiety when they are away. I am also grateful to the dear woman who was good and pure enough to bring this great truth to mankind, so that all may enjoy it.—Washington, D. C.