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Testimonies of Healing

My attention was first drawn to...

From the June 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My attention was first drawn to Christian Science by the healing, in a few weeks, of a member of our family who had tried doctors and various remedies for two years without benefit. While I saw this healing, I was really more impressed by the change in this person's disposition, for she had become patient and loving, whereas she had been the reverse.

Soon after this I found myself unhappy, discouraged, and physically miserable from a nervous condition that at times made me think I was dying. I had some treatment at first, and was led to study the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and to attend the church services. It was several months before I saw any decided improvement, and about a year before I was entirely healed. I then discovered that a partially stiffened knee-joint was restored to its normal condition. I was also healed of severe and frequent headaches, said to have been inherited.

For many years six members of our family have been depending entirely on Christian Science, and with an ever increasing sense of health and peace. I may also add that I have not been in bed a single day because of sickness in about seventeen years. Four years ago I had the privilege of class instruction. I feel duly appreciative of this, as it has greatly increased my understanding of God and of man's relation to Him, and has enabled me to apply this Science more effectively to all needs. I am also grateful to the workers at headquarters for the wisdom and love expressed in our periodicals; I could not afford to deprive myself of any of them.

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