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Testimonies of Healing

To those who have turned to Christian Science...

From the June 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To those who have turned to Christian Science for the healing of sickness or other inharmonious conditions, who today are waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of the Father, and who falter in their hope because they have grown weary, perchance, in seemingly long continued darkness, I would come with the glad testimony that "he is faithful that promised," and to them that commit their way unto the Lord, He will surely bring it to pass.

Some years ago, after a long search for the way of life, I was driven by ill health to Christian Science. I had treatment, and soon received sweet encouragement and some help. Later, when suffering greatly with spinal trouble, from which I had endured intense and hopeless distress for a number of years, and with severe congestion of the lungs of some eight months' standing, I was led to a Christian Science practitioner in the city of Grand Rapids. In Christ-like compassion and fearlessness he spoke the word of God, and I received freedom, perfect release from all bondage. I was brought out of the darkness of the Egypt of human beliefs into the hallowed light of revealed Truth, where the Father, and man in His image and likeness, Spirit and its reflection, reign in supreme, eternal harmony, and there is no night. Having caught glorious glimpses of the realities of being, I went on my way rejoicing, because "the Lord he is God; there is none else beside him."

My experience at one time was characterized by frequent spells of blindness of one to two hours' duration. A notable feature of these spells was, that while I was sometimes in complete darkness, more often I was in a state of partial discernment. If I was writing when the attack came on, I would suddenly be able to see only the right half of the paper. If two objects were before me, I could see only the one on the right-hand side; and if there was one object, I could see only the right side of it. The line of division was ever exact, and no change in position of myself or object would alter the condition. I apprehended that this condition was due not to a physical abnormality, and consequently was beyond the reach of an oculist. Since being healed in Christian Science I have had no return of this trouble, or of any of the other ailments with which I was afflicted.

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