Christian Science is, in legal parlance, "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." It is the undivided garment, which covers not merely a part but all of that which is fundamental in life or necessary to the welfare of humanity. It does not stop with the uncertain promise of a future world salvation, nor does it concentrate on some one special line of endeavor, but it emphasizes the possibility of attaining a whole salvation here and now. This is not a mere dogmatic assertion, but a truth which has been proved in some degree by grateful thousands who have put it to the test.
A religion which promises no more than a precarious temporary relief from what is comprised in the ordinary concept of sin, and omits almost entirely all hope of surcease from the varied other ills which afflict mankind, has not laid hold on the entirety of Jesus' commands and promises. Lack of ease in any direction is dis-ease, and, regardless of its classification disease of every kind is the product of wrong thinking. If God can save man from one ill, He can deliver him from every conceivable trouble, and this the loving Father will do in proportion as His children are ready for it. We are commanded to be "holy," and holiness simply means "wholeness." The Christian must be sound at all points, else he is not a whole or complete Christian. That the individual has not yet attained this perfect state is no reason for discouragement, but is rather an incentive to more consecrated effort.
Inasmuch as whatever affects man adversely needs correction, salvation must be communal as well as individual; and so, finally, through Christian Science there will be brought about complete immunity from social and governmental ills of every name and nature. This reformation, however, can come only as the individual units composing society themselves realize the meaning of that saying of the prophet respecting the Christ-idea, "The government shall be upon his shoulder." When it is fully understood that there is but one law, one Lawmaker, and one government, there will be no conflict between either men or nations, and peace on earth will be an accomplished fact.