When I was twelve years of age Christian Science came into our home through a wonderful change brought about in my mother. Physicians had said she could not possibly live six months without an operation, but after two weeks' treatment in Christian Science she returned to us with a light of joy in her face that I had never seen before. From this time Truth was my only physician, and many were the healings that came to me; but it took many years of seeming trial and loss before I was willing to be daily guided by the teachings of Christian Science. A physical condition which caused me great suffering was the incentive for renewed endeavors to understand and apply the truth; and I joyfully acknowledge that after three years' effort and the help of faithful practitioners I was healed. Old things began to pass away, new motives, pure desires, right activity, came to me—I was learning the way in Christian Science; and I am daily finding that it does grow brighter and brighter "unto the perfect day," as the Bible promises.
When I hear others speak of having felt unkindly toward Mrs. Eddy, I am always grateful that I have never doubted that she was divinely inspired in writing Science and Health, and that every word in the textbook is true. This blessing was due to early teaching in the home, where only love was expressed for our Leader. I wish also to acknowledge my gratitude for Mrs. Eddy's poem, "Christ and Christmas," as it has been of such practical value to me. Each time I take it up some new lesson unfolds. I feel that only a life consecrated to Christian Science will express my gratitude for this healing truth.—Spokane, Wash.
I am happy to verify my wife's testimony. Out of curiosity I attended with her my first Christian Science church service. The simplicity, dignity, and restfulness appealed to me, and I am very grateful to our Leader who planned these services. While not in need of physical help at that time, I have since been healed of minor ailments; and for release from the tobacco habit I am most grateful.—