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Testimonies of Healing

I first read Mrs. Eddy's book...

From the January 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I first read Mrs. Eddy's book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" from curiosity, in order to find out the reason for so much seeming prejudice toward it by the clergy. Before the book was finished I had experienced many healings which were wonderful. Goiter, nervousness, worry, and fear disappeared, and glasses were laid aside. Many other ailments have vanished into their native nothingness. As a young mother I have found unbounded comfort in Mrs. Eddy's teachings. It is also a comfort to know that as God's ideas we are free and not dominated by minds many. This thought is helping me to demonstrate over hate, envy, jealousy, and strife. During the epidemic last winter we were all protected, although surrounded by fearful suggestions. We receive the authorized literature and always hand it out to some one who may be hungering for the truth.

We have the privilege of attending church, and although this is a small town Christian Science is doing splendid work toward relieving the oppressed. I feel as if I am just beginning to know this blessed teaching and am striving to learn more every day. I am so thankful for Mrs. Eddy's gift to the world and grateful to the kind friends who have helped us.—

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