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From the January 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As we trace through the Scriptures the record of the spiritual man, from the first chapter of Genesis, where we are told he was created in the image and likeness of God we come later to where Paul tells us, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Long before the Christian era a prophet had written, "The government shall be upon his shoulder," indicating that a new order in the world would come with the revelation of the Christ. After the ascension the disciples and their successors were able to manifest the Mind of Christ for about three hundred years, by doing the same works their Master had done, until this pure early Christianity was obscured through materialism. Thereafter for many centuries government went from bad to worse.

Yet the world still wanted truth, and when in the latter part of the nineteenth century Mary Baker Eddy, after many years of seeking, discerned God as Principle, and thereby discovered His law and named her discovery Christian Science, and established her church, the spiritual man was again revealed as having that Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus," and Pilate's question. "What is truth?" is now answered for all time. God as Mind is logically shown throughout the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and in all of Mrs. Eddy's other writings; for it is everywhere pointed out that all true law and order, every phase of what is correctly known as the legislative, administrative, and executive functions of government should proceed from and rest upon the one Mind. Any so-called reconstruction of nations will be scarcely more than a repetition of the "lawlessness of men," unless it is in harmony with God's law.

Any inquirer who is still asking Pilate's question will find a full, illuminating answer in Science and Health, in a few pages of which, for instance pages 335 to 338 inclusive, he will discover more metaphysical wisdom than in all the alleged metaphysics that have ever been written from a material viewpoint. In the fifth chapter of Mark is recorded the wonderful miracle of the healing of the maniac who dwelt among the tombs and could not be bound even with chains. Christ Jesus, discerning the malady, commanded, "Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit," and inquired, "What is thy name?" The reply came, "My name is Legion: for we are many." Then, being immediately cast out, the unclean spirits, the sum total of the victim's various delusions, entered into a herd of swine, which Mark says numbered ''about two thousand." They ran down a steep slope into the sea and were choked, but the man was healed. Later the people found him sitting at Jesus' feet, "clothed, and in his right mind."

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