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Testimonies of Healing

My life was saved by Christian Science...

From the January 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My life was saved by Christian Science treatment just a year ago, in the summer of 1918. I was healed of the apparently fatal effects of an accident, and gained the realization and understanding of divine Love and Truth. I am a sculptor and draftsman, but because of the war I had been and still am working on the land. Part of my duties was to attend to the working of an engine which pumped water from the river for irrigation purposes. The accident was caused through my coat being blown into the driving wheel, and I was carried round and thrown with terrific force onto parts of the engine and the concrete floor. I was taken to the nearest hospital, a large military one where my injuries were examined and my case was pronounced hopeless. My skull was fractured in the base, crown, and forehead, the eardrum was broken by the force of the impact, an arm was broken in two places, and I also had numerous flesh injuries.

Previous to this accident I knew nothing of the teachings of Christian Science, but my employer is a Christian Scientist and she came to the hospital with me and heard the medical officer's verdict. She immediately got into communication with a London practitioner who very lovingly helped me. I was unconscious for three weeks, but upon recovering consciousness I gradually realized the fundamentals of Christian Science, I was able to leave the hospital in five weeks completely healed, and without any of the disastrous after effects which from a medical point of view always follow such injuries. I have been back at full time work ten months now, and it has been the happiest time of my life.

I am inexpressibly grateful for all the help I have had in gaining a deeper understanding of Truth. I want to help the rest of the world to know the freedom with which they can trust the solving of all their difficulties, big and small, to the guidance of divine Love. Class instruction has been most wonderfully helpful to me, and I am most grateful for the privilege I had in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of Principle whilst attending class.—

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