In gratitude for the many blessings which I have received through the study of Christian Science I send this testimony, with the hope that it may help others. Before taking up the study of Christian Science I was most unhappy and miserable, going from one place to another in search of health and happiness, only to be disappointed. At last I went out to California, where I met old friends from the South, whose happiness impressed me, one of whom I afterwards found to be a Christian Science practitioner. I immediately applied to her for help and gave up all medicine which I had been taking. While the physical healing has meant much to me, I am more grateful for a better understanding of God, and for the knowledge of man's relation to Him. I am thankful for all the periodicals; each one as it comes seems to bring the answer to our daily problems. My husband and I study the Lesson-Sermon each morning, and we can truly say, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
We can never be grateful enough to Mrs. Eddy for unlocking the Bible and teaching us this wonderful truth, which makes free. I love the hymns. One of Mrs. Eddy's from which the following verse is quoted is always a help to me (Hymnal, No. 179):—
My prayer, some daily good to do
To Thine, for Thee;
An offering pure of Love, whereto
God leadeth me.