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Testimonies of Healing

When Christian Science was...

From the September 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christian Science was brought to my home I was in a very discordant condition, suffering from depression and many other ailments. I began at once to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and as I continued to read I was filled with hope and joy to know that God is an ever present help. My love for God was awakened, and by knowing that He is the only power, the belief in evil, as having power, greatly disappeared from my thought. Conditions which used to annoy me were removed with this small understanding of Christian Science.

I received physical healings also, one of which was of throat trouble from which I had suffered for many years. These attacks came on frequently, often at times when my help was most needed in the home, and lasted a week or longer. This condition entirely disappeared under treatment in Christian Science. Before knowing of Christian Science I met with an accident. The wound healed but I was in constant pain, and the dread of a disease developing kept me in daily fear. This also has ceased to trouble me.

I am very grateful for the loving help for these troubles I have received from practitioners. With each I tasted afresh the calm joy and power of the truth declared, and gained a clearer understanding of God as Life, Truth, and Love. For the many blessings and benefits I have received through the consecrated life of love, purity, courage, and patience of our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, which enabled her to give to mankind this message of healing, I am truly very thankful.—

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