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Testimonies of Healing

Sixteen years ago, in London,...

From the February 1923 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sixteen years ago, in London, England, I became interested in Christian Science through witnessing the healing of a member of my family. What a happy time that was! It seemed too wonderful to be true! I began to read the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; and I remember that each word of her hymns then seemed more precious than jewels.

However, I had to find that every step of the way must be demonstrated; that much clearing out of weeds is necessary before the seed of Truth can flourish in good soil. From the study of the textbook I was healed of periodic attacks of tonsillitis and hoarseness which had formerly caused much suffering. When having four double teeth extracted, a Christian Science treatment enabled me to be calm and refuse material application. When it was over, the dentist remarked on the courage shown. This was entirely due to Science; for previously there had been great fear of dentistry.

In childhood I had had a severe operation for an abscess in the head. A discharge from the ear resulted, which continued for years. There was so much fear in the case, from what had been suffered, that the healing was a slow one. I had treatment from a practitioner, which caused great improvement; and finally, when away in a distant city and something more had to be done, I opened Science and Health and my eye fell on line 24 of page 391, "Disease has no intelligence to declare itself something and announce its name." I closed the book, and with that sentence the last vestige of fear was dispelled. I never had any more of the trouble. Though the way had seemed a long one, step by step the old false beliefs had been destroyed, and to my great joy I was free.

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